The role of the third party of intermediary does not indicate that one divides into three——an answer to Mr.Jian Yi;
The intermediary——the third party——one dividing into three;
Because of the abuse of "sex freedom", the situation of spouse right infringed by the third party becomes worse and worse.
The Marriage——The Ethical Contract——And rationality of punish to the third party;
Since the new version of marriage law was announced and published, a widespread argument has been sparkled around the issue of whether a law should be made to punish the third party who intrudes into the family relationship.
A civil liability should be imposed upon “a third party”.
One of the points at issue about the amendment to Marriage Law is that whether a civil liability should be imposed upon a third party.
As a transitional measure taken by the government before the Statute of CLIS formally coming into effect, the third party liability insurance currently accepted by th.
It underwent several modes from self-evaluation,external evaluation,third-part evaluation to accreditation evaluation.
Scholars after Davison have carried out research of "the third-person effect" from different perspectives.
The image of "third party" in the love narration of the novel Seventeen Years;