The effects of cooling rate on Ms and microstructures of Fv520(B) steel have been studied by hot expansion method,micro scopic test and XRD.
It shows that with the increase of compression deformation of parent phase, Ms point (starting temperature of martensitic transformation) of {259}f martensitic transformation is rising.
The effects of rare earth on TTT curve,Ms point and phase transformation critical points of 30CrMnSi cast steel were investigated.
研究了稀土對 30 Cr Mn Si鑄鋼 TTT曲線及相變點的影響 ,其結果為開始轉變曲線右移 ,終了轉變曲線左移 ,相變臨界點滯后 ,Ms點升
The Ms points and morphology of the crystalline structure for the Fe-30.
The influence of cooling rate on MS temperature of CuZnAlMnNi shape memory alloy was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry.
Finally we target on cost to establish a integer programming model based on the limitations of purchasing needs of spectators and commercial benefits,and use a set of reasonable data to compute the concrete design scheme of the MS site by simulation of Matlab.