這包裹有八磅乃至十磅重。 The parcel weighs between eight and ten pounds.
如果你每天花上15分鐘的話,我們就可以保證,一個月之后,當你翻過了這本書的最后一頁時,你的詞匯,你的閱讀能力,你的談話技巧,乃至你的生活都將會達到一個更新和更高的程度。 Give us fifteen minutes a day, and we will guarantee, at the end of a month, when you have turned over the last page of this book, that your words and your reading and your conversation and your life will all have a new and deeper meaning for you.
將來的大樓,道乃至城市可能和垃圾廢物來建造,但至今為止這還是一種夢想。 Future buildings, roads, and cities may be made from garbage. But so far it is only dream.